The Media Specialist works collaboratively with teachers to embed these information literacy/research skills into curriculum lessons. Additionally, technology is integrated so that application of the instruction is exercised for future vocational practices of the student. Outlined below are the primary categories of defining, locating, selecting and analyzing, organizing and synthesizing, and creating. Each category then has individual objectives, of which, some will be accomplished with each lesson. The lessons will be integrated with objectives as outlined in the Georgia Performance Standards for each subject area. For more information on the Georgia Performance Standards please go to: For additional information on literacy standards for student learning please visit: These standards have been modified to reflect North Hall High School. Information Process DEFININGThrough planned collaborative learning activities the student:
- Consolidates appropriate questioning techniques to clarify requirements of task
- Selects from a range of topics and Identifies and interprets key words for research
- Develops focus questions with guidance
- Queries for likely sources of information including print and digital
- Clarifies and refines research questions
- Uses reference sources to clarify the meaning of a research task
LOCATING. Through planned collaborative learning activities the student: Identifies and locates text and nontext resources including:
- Understanding organization of resources in school and local libraries
Becomes familiar with appropriate search engines
Using e-mail to access experts in the field
Searching for information using given URLs and managing bookmarks
Extends the use of databases with guidance by: Using simple and Boolean terms to search the Web and database resources Choosing broader or narrower terms to refine search results Using Advanced Search to locate information and refine searches
Extends use of computer systems skills with guidance by: Deleting, copying and moving files Selectively printing information from electronic sources Effectively use word processing, presentation and spreadsheet documents
Extends use of evaluating websites with guidance by: Recognizes where currency of information is necessary Recognizes need to determine if information is accurate and valid Recognizes need to determine purpose of the website and why author is posting it on the web Recognizes how to determine credibility of website author or organization
Uses special print and non-print reference resources
Recognizes difference in credibility and purpose between print resources such as books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets
Identifies and locates information from both primary and secondary sources
Uses range of resources including the circulation system Destiny to locate print materials, electronic databases including GALILEO, Questia School, SIRS Researchers and the Internet to access information
SELECTING/ANALYZING. Through planned learning activities the student: Selects resources with guidance by:
Uses a variety of primary and secondary sources with guidance
Evaluates appropriateness of resources, discarding if necessary
Understands strategies may be to used to slant information in subtle ways
Compares information from different sources for opposing viewpoints and accuracy with guidance
Using prior knowledge, proposes problem-solving strategies for real-life situations
Reading information skimming and scanning
Using table of contents, index and text headings
Analyzes appropriate information determining it appropriateness for the research
Using text/context clues such as text headings and subheadings
Identifying main and subordinate idea
Re-reading, re-listening and re-viewing
Modifies research questions with keywords
Devises appropriate note-taking templates
Records information with guidance by: Devising note-making strategies to ensure information is collected consistently and accurately Modifying note-making formats as appropriate to the task and information source Clustering notes under subheading
Records bibliographic sources of information using author, title, publisher, date, address, date of download with guidance
Selecting appropriate graphic organizer, if directed
Works with focus as to purpose ie. Information Report, Persuasive Essay, Criticism, etc
Understands and complies with copyright requirements with guidance
Utilizes appropriate graphic files from Internet sites with guidance
Considers a range of viewpoints by: Recognizing when the information is fact or opinion Identifying authority, purpose and intended audience of source Identifying bias and omission in information sources
ORGANIZING/SYNTHESIZING. Through planned learning activities the student: Combines selected information connecting similar ideas
Draws inferences from evidence
Synthesizes information to predict consequences and to construct generalizations
Responds appropriately to the given writing styles, e.g., argument, report with purpose and focus of research
Identifies positive and negative influences in information sources
Recognizes information deficiencies and locates additional information
Organize ideas and information logically
Proposes a solution to a set problem based on prior knowledge and new information.
Research using appropriate sources with ability to cite sources
Make simple generalizations and draw simple conclusions
Categorizes information according to a framework of of headings,subheadings, paraphrasing and note-taking
Consolidates the use of word processing skills by: Selectively cutting and pasting information from an electronic source Making notes directly from screen Using Spelling, Grammar Check, Undo, Select all, Page Setup Using lists/bullets Creating and inserting simple tables Wrapping text around graphics Formatting text appropriate to writing styles Creates computer-generated organizational strategies as flow charts, timelines
Extends the use of databases with guidance by: Browsing, editing and adding records in a database sorting and deleting records Using Find function to search for specific criteria
Consolidates the use of spreadsheets by: Changing column width, row height and alignment Using simple formulas for basic operations-add, multiply, subtract & divide
CREATING/PRESENTING. Through planned learning activities the student:
Understands the concept of “audience”as applied to creating projects
Presents a solution to a problem through modeled examples which: Support an issue (argue for or against, or perhaps both) Present ideas and information logically and are able to explain, profile, discuss and debate Make simple generalizations and draw simple conclusions
Use some subject-specific words and phrases
Creates written and oral reports, or digital projects reflecting use of Web 2.0 tools
Presentations of similar complexity utilizing computer and/or Internet tools
Consolidates desktop publishing skills to complete research papers or projects
Constructs multimedia presentations
Uses My Files and/or Google Drive to transfer and share information
Uses special software appropriate to the task as needed and required
Examines web page construction
Creates spreadsheets using modeled examples
Generates electronic charts, tables and graphs using modeled examples
Presents information using a given format, e.g., oral, written, digital projects